All Lives Matter
People, no matter what and wherever they are, belong to a single clan of evolution trees. They all are the progeny of a single man, Adam. Every individual’s genetic makeup is the same, composed of the four letter code. All humans share the same anatomy and have the same morph. “Neither is the white superior over the black, nor is the black superior over the white -- except by piety” (Muhammad).There exists no race, no caste, no religion but humanity. All men: white, brown and black are flesh and every flesh is weak. The universe was raised with above mentioned fundamentals but with the passage of time, hatred and discrimination spread its roots all over the globe. Every religion of the world has its doctrine based on humanity and no single religion promotes racial, religious, gender discriminations.
Following the paths of civilization, we came out of the caves and wood but still the barbaric and obdurate behavior is dominating the human race. We are advancing in the fields of technology and medicine; artificial intelligence is replacing human efforts and the several fatal diseases are being cured. Jealousy, megalomania, corruption, despotism, inequality, ego are some human instincts which are still incurable. Definition of success is being changed, materialism has replaced morality and the world has been divided further with satanic ideologies. Essence of humanity has been buried under the pseudo definitions of success and worldly competitions. Principles and teachings of humanity, worldwide, have been changed by dehumanized politics. Leaders, instead of leading in a genuine sense; they are more involved in personal interests and corruption, which has soiled the sanctity of political, social and many other important institutions.
All men by birth and nature are pure and innocent but latterly the people inject hate and fear into their minds, which as a result further strengthens their roots in the shape of discrimination, injustice and extremism. Educational institutions and curriculum play a vital role in polluting the minds, all the historical books and different genres of literature have also a central role in corrupting the minds. Movies, documentaries, YouTube channels and social media platforms are equally involved in spreading hate and prejudice. Movies and documentaries; thematically based on black slavery, racial discrimination and class divisions further ignite the spark of hate and discrimination. Day by day video clips go viral on social media; in which white people humiliate the black ones. Fascist leaders all over the globe, openly deliver hateful speeches and raise slogans against other religious sects and ethnicities. Burning of mosques, massacre and dismantling of holy places is seen worldwide.
All ideologies either religious or political throughout world history are being misused by the world leaders and kings. The people in power are the ones who divide the societies, cultures and they promote racism. Racism in the United States has its roots since the colonial era, white Americans receive all the accredited rights while other races and minorities like Black Americans are being deprived from their basic rights. Xenophobic, ethnicity or religious based discriminations: white and black, East and West, Hindu and Muslim divisions are common worldwide. Hating human beings on the basis of such distinctions seems irrational, brutal and monstrous. Why we become so dumb and barbaric against our fellow human beings, who will come to teach us about peace, brotherhood and humanity. For God sake, work for the betterment of humanity and spread the message of peace and equality. Don’t change this planet earth into hell!
Irrespective of caste, creed and other divisions; everywhere on the earth humanity is in danger.
Politicians and world leaders are busy in dehumanized politics, the international organizations on Human Rights are even failing in sustaining peace and equality. All the world nations are chasing the war of economy and power, in the world of globalization; moral values and the essence of humanity are near to become extinct. Countries and societies are growing through the medium of corruption. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive” (Dalai Lama). Everyone knows and believes that without love and peace this world cannot be a better place to live, love is the only medium to bridge the worldly gaps. Essence of humanity is love, peace, brotherhood, compassion, compromise, sacrifice. Without the essence of humanity; the social evils like racism, fascism, gender discrimination, prejudice and war cannot be ceased in the world.
As expressed above, the essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection. Different human groups are like the different flowers in a bouquet. All belong to a single species, no one is superior over the other and every single life matters in the continuity of the human race. One murder is equal to the killing the whole of humanity. Humanity must be the theme of whole universe and it is the meaning of religion Islam too to spread the message of love, peace, equality and humanity. All lives matter, that’s why protect, save and show mercy towards every single life.
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